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Thursday 9 May 2013

Android App to Report Election Violations Launched

Punjab Information Technology Board has launched this Android app, with which anyone can report Election violations, that too anonymously.
With this, extremely easy to use mobile app, anyone can take a picture of violations and send these complaints to a centralized monitoring team that is likely to take appropriate action.
This Punjab Government backed app offer various categories, and users can report violations by clicking the suitable category and submitting a picture/comment with a single click.
How to Download:
  • Android users can simply head to this link to download the app on their phones
  • Write an SMS “Election” and send it to 8070 from your phone to get the download link in an SMS
Check below screens from the app, offering a simple and easy to use interface. Home screen is a category listing of possible violations in elections – from where you can tap any category. Next screen offers you with an option to capture a picture and your comments to be submitted to Punjab Election Monitoring System.
App also offers a link to details of ECP code of conduct for Elections.
Election App Android App to Report Election Violations Launched Election App 2 Android App to Report Election Violations Launched

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