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Monday 6 May 2013

Use Facebook In An Excel Sheet

Few months back, I had posted an article on How To Access Blocked Sites. Many of them used those techniques to access the blocked sites at work.
On that post, How to Access Blocked Sites, most of them had comment about the access on Facebook. So later I had posted an article on how to Access Facebook Through GMail. And here I come up with another way to access the Facebook.

As we all know, the social networking sites like Facebook, Orkut, Tweeter etc… are blocked in most of the offices. And most of the employees are desperate to login to Facebook and do not wish to get caught. Keeping these views in mind, Diesel introduced a new application which looks like an Excel Workbook, but it is actually an application to access Facebook account.
After installing Be Stupid At Work, 1st of all, you need to login into your Facebook account through the application. As soon as you would login, it would request your for permission, allow access to it.
Now you can the Facebook. You can update your status, like and comment on posts etc…etc… Of course, its not the full Facebook experience, but still it is a wonderful application to access Facebook.
This application is a replication of Microsoft’s Excel, but it doesn’t totally resemble like the Excel Sheet. All the function are been disabled. Only in the file tab, you can find the functions which would help you to use Facebook. Excel sheets have never been this fun. I hope you all will enjoy it!

Don't forget to Share this with your Friends :) Thank you


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